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 Castle / 20068
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3CS at BrickFest at Washington DC
Fri, 25 Jun 2004 18:07:48 GMT
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2268 times
The Classic-Castle City Standard (3CS) at BrickFest at Washington, DC.

Everyone loves the 3CS Town, and already we are having a number of builders bringing many different items, both Houses and Wall Pieces, for it. To make it easier to tell who built what, each house will be identified by a flag, using the wavy solid color flags in two-flag combinations.. There will be a guide-poster in the Castle room that will list all the different flag color combinations and the corresponding builder. Easy for both fans and the public to understand, giving credit where credit is due.

Flag Request Site. This site has all possible flag combinations based on what flags have produced. Keep in mind that you will need to supply the flags for your own MOC yourself.

For example, all of Ricardo’s houses will have yellow over red flags, while all of Chadwick’s houses will have blue over green flags, etc.

Marc Nelson Jr, who’s idea this was, has graciously agreed to be the point-man for this project. Simply email Marc ( what flag combination you’d like, and he will add it to the list. Remember, your flag combo *must* be in the format “color over color.” Right now, try to keep it simple by having no more than two colors. Single colors are reserved for late-comers and people who don’t read Lugnet.

Also, when you email Marc, try to give a rough estimate of what you will be bringing (number of houses and number of wall pieces) as this will help us get a good idea of how much space to steal away from Trains.

Another excellent thing to do would be to fill out your MOC Cards at the BrickFest homepage, and include a brief description of what the House/Wall piece looks like (something like “Black Roof, Dark Orange / Brown Tudor Style”) as we will have an area for MOC Cards to be set up.

Lovies and Dovies
-Lenny Hoffman,
Assistant Castle Coordinator

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