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 Castle / 19289
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Re: A wine rack I made today
lugnet.castle, lugnet.general,
Sat, 14 Feb 2004 22:48:09 GMT
1964 times
It's nice to see such fruitfull and inspiring feedback.

In lugnet.castle, David Laswell wrote:
In lugnet.castle, Manfred Moolhuysen wrote:
Also you would keep the ability to atach bottles to the studs, something not
possible when using the headlight bricks.

That's true, but your version shouldn't require headlight bricks, should it?

My LDraw mockup has been modeled with headlight bricks, based on their common
availability, and because I prefered to point the smooth top surface of the
tiles 1x2 all upwards in the same direction, instead of alternating bottom side
and top side up.

I think I will try to build the two solutions for real (maybe even a
combination of both), to see how practicly feasible these are.

I did a quicky test using a 1x1 with four studs just to see if a tile will
fit between the two bricks, and it does work.  Since you'd be using 1x1
bricks to hold everything on, ...[snip]

Sorry for that, I expressed myself a bit sloppy. I meant feasibility of using
long tiles and keeping these in place or combination of long tiles and bricks
1x1 with 3 studs. I believed you on your word (and on my imagination) that using
1x1 bricks with 3 studs and only 1x2 tiles would fit.

Actually, I just realized something stupid.  If you alternate between 5-stud
bricks and regular 1x1's, you can put all of the tiles
around the 5-studs and just use the 1x1's to fill in the gap and pinch the
tiles  in place, making it considerably more feasible for the average builder.

Good thinking.

The long-tiled look will still look a bit more realistic as an actual wooden
construction, though (BTW, have you considered putting a 1x8 tile in the
middle  slant so you don't have a break in the middle that would allow the
pieces to spill out?).

Yes, I drawed the principle mockup fairly quickly (during my work break) not yet
knowing 100% what tiles would end up where. For a real attempt I agree I would
probably limit the heigth or witdh of the rack so that the maximum required
diagonal could be made with a single tile 1x8.

With friendly greetings, M. Moolhuysen.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: A wine rack I made today
(...) Yeah, that was something I wasn't happy about with my idea, but I figured it wouldn't be so bad if you made sure the hollow-up tiles were covered with conveniently-placed wine bottles. Fortunately, it's actually possible to leave open (...) (20 years ago, 25-Feb-04, to lugnet.castle, lugnet.general,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: A wine rack I made today
(...) That's true, but your version shouldn't require headlight bricks, should it? (...) I did a quicky test using a 1x1 with four studs just to see if a tile will fit between the two bricks, and it does work. Since you'd be using 1x1 bricks to hold (...) (20 years ago, 14-Feb-04, to lugnet.castle, lugnet.general,

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