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 Castle / 18728
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Seeking session/expo coordinators for sculpture/mosaic, castle, mindstorms/technic/robotics
Newsgroups:, lugnet.castle,,, lugnet.robotics, lugnet.technic
Wed, 3 Dec 2003 13:06:16 GMT
! (details)
376 times
The BrickFest PDX organizing committee is seeking session/expo volunteers for the following areas:
  • Sculpture/Mosaic
  • Castle
  • Mindstorms/Technic/Robotics
These are important areas that don’t yet have dedicated coordinators. If you’re planning to attend BrickFest PDX and you have an interest in one of these themes and would be able to help out, please consider volunteering, your help is needed! You could take the session side of things, the expo side, or both, as your time and interests allow.

Volunteering is richly rewarding, although in a non monetary sense. Fan created events like BrickFest are what we, the fans, make of them. BrickFest PDX is shaping up to be awesome in other tracks... won’t you consider helping out with your favorite theme?

Contact Steve Barile, Christina Hitchcock or myself for details, or to volunteer.

Larry Pieniazek
Expo Coordinator, BrickFest PDX 2004, February 13-15, 2004
ILTCO | MichLUG | Milton Train Works™

See you in Portland!

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