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 Castle / 18129
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Black Monarch's Castle Meets the CCS
Thu, 25 Sep 2003 05:22:52 GMT
1535 times
Recently I re-did the Black Falcon's Castle as one version of the CCS.  This
week I worked on set 6085 Black Monarch's Castle. I didn't have enough bricks to
finish it and right now it looks like I won't be able to finish it til around
the 1st of the year.

So on the advise of Lenny, I decided to post what I have done so far.  I have
done the Gatehouse and one wall section.  I hope you enjoy it.  Here is the

Castle Rocks!

Don                GtwLUG

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Black Monarch's Castle Meets the CCS
(...) Hey Don, I'm glad you took my advice. This looks quite nice, very much in the same vein as the original. heck, took me a while to figure which was which. already on the (URL) c-c city page>! keep them coming! -lenny (21 years ago, 25-Sep-03, to lugnet.castle, FTX)
  Re: Black Monarch's Castle Meets the CCS
Hello Don, I like what you're doing here. It really shows the versatility of the CCC Standard. I like the way you've preserved the original color scheme too. I think that castles with black walls with light grey details are better looking than the (...) (21 years ago, 26-Sep-03, to lugnet.castle)

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