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Parts Tracker Developers Wanted
Tue, 1 May 2001 19:33:03 GMT
816 times
Well, sort of.  Here's more of the story:

I asked Dan Boger if he could help with developing the new automated Parts
Tracker.  He's been working on it, as he's had time, for awhile now.
Unfortunately, he doesn't really have any time to put into it, real life
seems to be interfering.

He plans to continue working on the PT, when he can.  But in the meantime,
he has posted what he's done so far, so other people can grab it, and take
it from where it is.

Once upon a time, I put together (in Visual Basic) a prototype for the PT.
You can grab a copy of this, or at least look at the various pages, at
<>.  There wasn't much feedback
on the prototype, which means one of three things:  (a) nobody looked at
it, (b) nobody understood it, (c) it's practically perfect in every way.

Some aspects of the design are pretty vague in the prototype.  One example
of 'vague' is the update generator, the function that moves new parts from
'active' to 'official'.

Once you've seen what You can grab a tar'ed copy of Dan's work at

I have not yet looked at Dan's stuff, so I can't make many insightful
comments.  I believe it's all in Perl, intended to run under Linux.

Dan mentioned that he is unable to provide server space or access.

He also mentioned in an email:
. I do think it's close to a point of a public beta -
. the only part still missing (and I may work on that
. tonight), is the part certification... and that shouldn't
. be terribly hard to do...  the user interface/setup/modification
. should work now...  of course, it all needs tons of testing.

If you want to help with this, great! Take a look, post reaction, ask


Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: Parts Tracker Developers Wanted
(...) Email me with some things that need to be done and I let you know what I can do. Paul (I have been busy updating some of the parts I have receintly "finished" also currently reworking the aquazone propellor) (23 years ago, 2-May-01, to
  Re: Parts Tracker Developers Wanted
(...) This "problem" seems to be quite familiar to a lot of us ;-) (...) (d) I looked at it, but it was practically only GUI stuff without the necessary functionality, and I'm not the right guy to comment on GUIs... (...) Yes, that would have been (...) (23 years ago, 2-May-01, to,
  Re: Parts Tracker Developers Wanted
I got a question in email, and I thought the answer would be of general interest. The question: (...) The answer: In short, very loose form, the main workflow is: Process 1: Author uploads file -> Reviewers check out file -> Reviewers check/certify (...) (23 years ago, 2-May-01, to

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