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 CAD / LDraw Files / Parts / 6310
6309  |  6311
Re: Inappropriate(?) use of stud.dat in 30035.dat
Wed, 26 Mar 2008 08:24:34 GMT
9306 times
In, Michael Heidemann wrote:
In, Travis Cobbs wrote:
30035.dat uses stud.dat in a location that isn't really a stud, but is the
same shape as a stud.  This leads to a rendering problem if stud logos are


(Notice the LEGO logo peeking out from under the pole.)

Is the above considered wrong?


As far as I remember this is formally ok. But you are right, this should be
avoided. Please correct that and send the file to the PT.

Perhaps if there was a unit capped cylinder in the primitives authors would not
be driven to use studs?


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Inappropriate(?) use of stud.dat in 30035.dat
(...) You are right, but there are only three lines of code (easily created with MLCad) that would be substituted with such a new primitive. I think it is not worth. cu mikeheide (17 years ago, 26-Mar-08, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Inappropriate(?) use of stud.dat in 30035.dat
(...) As far as I remember this is formally ok. But you are right, this should be avoided. Please correct that and send the file to the PT. cu mikeheide (17 years ago, 25-Mar-08, to, FTX)

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