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 CAD / LDraw Files / Parts / 6208
6207  |  6209
Re: Preparing a L(EGO)Draw part for the Parts Tracker – A review
Thu, 4 Oct 2007 14:40:29 GMT
5509 times
Thanks, Willy, for this very informative article... I discovered many things
(among them, Syncedit that looks VERY interesting - how did I miss its

In lugnet.cad, Willy Tschager wrote:
When the Lego Universe Team has started to share rough data of 80 parts and soon after I've got feedback from part
authors that because of their excellent quality those parts were heavyweights
and would give us a hard time reducing the file size I was curious to what
extend I could strip them down. After approx. 10 working hours my part was cut
by 92%.
Here you had a favorable situation with mostly flat surfaces. Similarly I
reduced the size of 59349 by 96%... It is much more difficult for parts such as
47844 ( with high
resolution curved surface.

We know that the source for the L(EGO)Draw parts are the original shapes,
created for the molding machines – in short they are the REFERENCE.

Are they really? Case in point, 55615 part. Check this image, showing rendering
of LEGO Universe Project file and a photo of the real part
( See the differences in
center pinhole collars and orientation of pins...

Thx to Philo and Mike the part needs only a review by the
PT-Admins to be shipped.

You're welcome ;o)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Preparing a L(EGO)Draw part for the Parts Tracker – A review
(...) hmm ... looks like we got the "ideal" version as it has been projected by the part designers but the part was modified during the production. fact is we stick to the actual part as it comes out of the box and we will have to get rid off the (...) (17 years ago, 5-Oct-07, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Preparing a L(EGO)Draw part for the Parts Tracker – A review
When the Lego Universe Team has started to share rough data of 80 parts (URL) and soon after I've got feedback from part authors that because of their excellent quality those parts were heavyweights and would give us a hard time reducing the file (...) (17 years ago, 4-Oct-07, to lugnet.cad,, ! 

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