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Subject: 2011-02 Parts Update Now Available
lugnet.announce, lugnet.cad
Thu, 29 Dec 2011 10:11:03 GMT
2795 times
The 2011-02 LDraw parts update has been now been released.

This update includes 786 files in the core library, including 474 new parts. A
further 19 parts have been redeveloped by authors who have affirmed the
Contributor Agreement, replacing files that were not redistributable. Only five
"non-CA" files remain in the library and every effort is being made to replace
those in the next update.

This is a big step in reducing the backlog on the Parts Tracker and brings the
number of files to its lowest level since September 2006. Thanks are due to
everyone who created or corrected parts for this release and to those who have
reviewed files in order to make this release happen.

You can preview the new parts in 2011-02 and download the update by going to the
updates page at <>.

The 160 certified files currently on the LDraw Parts Tracker were held back from
this update in keeping with our normal practice of not releasing new primitives
or subparts until they are needed for an official part file. Many of the further
337 files waiting for admin review should be included in the next release.

Chris Dee (LDraw Parts Library Admin)

Message has 4 Replies:
  Re: 2011-02 Parts Update Now Available
(...) Woo-hoo! :) Wow, I see some parts that are new in 2012 sets. That's a fast write/review/approve process! (...) Looking at the parts tracker history graph, the result of everyone efforts are apparent. Since the high water mark in April 2009, (...) (12 years ago, 29-Dec-11, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: 2011-02 Parts Update Now Available
Nice! There's quite a few parts that have been on my wishlist. :) Great work everybody as usual! -Santeri (12 years ago, 30-Dec-11, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: 2011-02 Parts Update Now Available
(...) A big Thank You! to all involved! (12 years ago, 30-Dec-11, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: 2011-02 Parts Update Now Available
(...) Merci! Cheers, Matija (12 years ago, 16-Jan-12, to lugnet.cad)

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