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Re: Minifig Accessory
Mon, 7 Dec 2009 09:45:17 GMT
9937 times
In lugnet.cad, Michael Heidemann wrote:
In lugnet.cad, Allen Smith wrote:
In lugnet.cad, Michael Heidemann wrote:
I just saw that we have parts that description starts with "Minifig Accessory"
while others only starts with "Minifig". As I like to have things conform to
each other I like to hear also other opinions to this than mine.
I think we should keep that conform and delete the word Accessory from the part
description, as we have the possibility to add the category "Minifig Accessory".

I thought "Minifigure Accessory" was already an official category.

I haven't gotten around to implementing support for the !CATEGORY directive yet,
though. I still just read the first word of the description for the category.

By doing it in this way we have more letters for the parts description.

Is there a reason that needs to be considered?


I like to draw your attention to the following part which is only a sample:

Following the guidelines in the FAQ and the Article 340 (see above) then this
part belongs to the "Minifig" category as this is the first word of the
description. But later in the file there is a category entry which say: "Minifig
So I would have to sort the part into two categories or should I handle the
category entry with a higher priority?
The other possibility would be to rename the part to start with "Minifig
Accessory ..." and I do not need the category entry.

I like to have that clearyfied.


Any part can only have one category.

The complete text of the !CATEGORY statement takes precedence. If there is no
!CATEGORY line, the first word (ignoring any initial ~ or _) of the decription
should be used as the category.

A !CATEGORY line that merely duplicates the first word of the description is
removed prior to official release.

All six official parts whose descriptions start "Minifig Accessory", should have
"Accessory" removed from the description, and two (53454 and 30035) should have
!CATEGORY statements added.

I'll recycle these through the Parts Tracker and fix the descriptions of the 21
unofficial parts.

Thanks for pointing this out.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Minifig Accessory
(...) I like to draw your attention to the following part which is only a sample: (URL) the guidelines in the FAQ and the Article 340 (see above) then this part belongs to the "Minifig" category as this is the first word of the description. But (...) (14 years ago, 6-Dec-09, to lugnet.cad)

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