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 CAD / 15644
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Welcome, goodbye
Wed, 29 Oct 2008 18:47:17 GMT
6782 times
Hi all,

I was pleased to read a new version of L3P was announced and that work on LGEO
has been picked up again. Excited actually. I hope it will kick-start LDraw back
to life again. The whole LDraw project is too beautifull to bleed to dead as it
has the last months.
And talking about bleeding to dead; I decided to stop the
pages. I have been working on an updated version of the trainposter but other
hobbies took more time so I never really finish it. And I don't think I will in
the nearby future.

Anyhoe, I would like to thank all the people involved; those who send their
feedback, send their models, helped out with problems, parts, donated CPU time,
gave tips, tricks, all the people who made parts, wrote some excellent software,
and all the people I did meet in the past 6 years. They are far too many to
mention them all and I would never forgive myself forgetting one or two, but you
know who you are. To all of you a big THANK YOU!
I had a lot of fun building, programming POV and designing posters.

Grt, Jeroen de Haan

PS I still have all the files so if anyone is intrested in picking up the
trainposter-project, let me know: jeroen at dehaan dot cc

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Welcome, goodbye
Jeroen, I've read this before, wanted to answer, but didn't. But now, I've come across it again. Question is: What becomes of the domainname Are you keeping it and registered? If not, I would be interested in taking over ownership (...) (15 years ago, 1-Dec-08, to lugnet.cad)

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