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 Building / Minifigs / 919
918  |  920
Re: Ground Zero Memorial
Sat, 1 Dec 2001 15:29:02 GMT
2299 times
In, Alan Findlay writes:
Hi folks.

I guess it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to say that ever since I saw
the photo it has haunted me. Here is my attempt at dealing with it.

My apologies that it's so big (>400 kB). My technical ability at taking and
editing digital pictures is still in its infancy.

The photo is shown from the pages of the Sept.15 edition of The Economist. I
don't know the photo's copyright.


PS This seems the right place to post as the minifigs are the main focus.
Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Not wrong at all, Alan.

That picture spoke to me as well - I think it probably has to pretty much

There's something about your creation that I can't describe.. it's so simple
but hits the essence of the photograph perfectly. The heads you used are
very fitting as well; good choices.

I really like it; with a little cropping of the 'dead space' on the sides,
it could be turned into a perfect wallpaper.

Well done and thank you very much for sharing.

Joel J

Message is in Reply To:
  Ground Zero Memorial
Hi folks. I guess it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to say that ever since I saw the photo it has haunted me. Here is my attempt at dealing with it. (URL) apologies that it's so big (>400 kB). My technical ability at taking and editing digital (...) (22 years ago, 1-Dec-01, to !! 

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