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 Building / Military / 2369
2368  |  2370
Re: Messerschmitt Me 323
Fri, 12 Jan 2007 22:47:35 GMT
3990 times
In, Will Chapman wrote:

Klaus, this is just beautiful!  The diorama compliments the massive airframe
wonderfully. I especially like the polyhedral wing.  How did you achieve it, and
keep the surface so uniform and tight near the joints?

Now, all you troops need are MP40s or Mauser C96s and you'd be all set! :)

---Will Chapman
   BrickArms LLC

Hi Will
thanks for the praise :-)....and also thanks to everybody else for their praise
and comments!

Hm...the wings are simple but a little complicated to explain but I will give my

To tilt the wing tips I simply used hinge plates (part No. 2429 and 2430) which
I built in snot-wise. In order to keep the wing tips from tilting back down I
supported the bottom with "1x2 plates with door rail" (part No. 32028) to make
the gap beneath the wing. This way the wing tips rest on the door rail.

It's just slightly under preasure but not all the way since the top tiles
overlap a little. That way from the top the surface looks so uniform.

First I wanted to use those newer hinge plates and bricks with locking
mechanism. But those have the wrong angle and would not support the weight.


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  Re: Messerschmitt Me 323
(...) Klaus, this is just beautiful! The diorama compliments the massive airframe wonderfully. I especially like the polyhedral wing. How did you achieve it, and keep the surface so uniform and tight near the joints? Now, all you troops need are (...) (17 years ago, 12-Jan-07, to

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