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 Building / Micro-scale / 37
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A Few Small Contributions to Classic Space
Wed, 12 Mar 2003 02:59:18 GMT
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3056 times
As promised, I looked for my old microscale models in the basement this weekend.

I came up empty.

Where I thought I had put them I found only gutted remains.  I now remember
disassembling them for parts for the first ISCC and another contest.  I
don't think there are any pictures :( but maybe they still lurk somewhere on
one of my hard drives.  At any rate...

... both because I didn't want to return empty-handed and because I have
long thought about re-interpreting the whole line of Lego creations from the
'glory days' of the late 70's/early 80's, I dashed off two quick creations.
I picked two of my favorite classic space sets because I recently saw Robin
Harbron's mini-6950 Mobile Rocket Transport on his page at and thought it was a great
piece of work.

When moderated, please visit:

There you will find a 483 Alpha-1 Rocket Base (a.k.a. 920 Launch Pad) as
well as a 6861 X-1 Patrol Craft.

For the impatient, please visit:
[You can also try 01 and 01 instead of 04.]
[You can also try 01, 02, 03, 04, 07, 09, and 10

I am quite happy with the mini-483.  I have no trans-yellow plates of the
correct size, so I used trans-clear instead.  Nevertheless, I think it is a
decent effort.  The tower and the dish antenna move as they do in the
full-scale set.  I tried my best to make appropriately-scaled astronauts.  I
wish I had more gold 1x1 round plates: I tried to use the one I have to
suggest the old "planetary swoosh" logo.  Aside: does Lego make 5-stud
1x1x1's in white and red in current sets?  I would have liked to have taken
the time to model the crater.  Maybe when I make the 493 Space Command

I'm reasonably happy with the mini-6861.  Actually, I'm delighted with the
top of it (I even managed to give the wings the correct notches :), and I'm
particualarly pleased with some 'invisible' use of SNOT and
fractions-of-a-stud offsets.  The underside, however, is bulkier than I
would like.  Any suggestions?

All comments and critiques are welcome.


Message has 6 Replies:
  Re: A Few Small Contributions to Classic Space
(...) [...] (...) Awesome. A resounding success! Now I'm really looking forward to your mini versions of all the other Classic Space bases... ;-) Cheers, Paul (22 years ago, 12-Mar-03, to
  Re: A Few Small Contributions to Classic Space
Brian...these are awesome! I can't believe you were able to pull off a mini-minifig! The rocket base was my first plate base...this is a wonderful representation of it. Next Christmas I was thinking of making a mini scene of classic space - these (...) (22 years ago, 12-Mar-03, to
  Re: A Few Small Contributions to Classic Space
(...) (2 URLs) (...) Brian, these are outstanding. I have both of those sets and I immediately recgnized them when I saw the page on Brickshelf. I especially like the Alpha-1 as that was always one of my favorite sets. Your micro spacemen are (...) (22 years ago, 12-Mar-03, to
  Re: A Few Small Contributions to Classic Space
(...) Those are great. Looking forward to more... Jeff J (22 years ago, 13-Mar-03, to
  Re: A Few Small Contributions to Classic Space
Wow, These are wonderful. Absolutely. My favorite part is the gold 1x1 round on the chest of the fig.. how creative is that! Again, we week the mighty coolness of classic space!!! Great job capturing it! Chris <>< (22 years ago, 14-Mar-03, to
  Re: A Few Small Contributions to Classic Space
"Brian Muzas" <> wrote in message (...) weekend. (...) <snip> (...) <snip> (...) Those are some great sets you chose to work with. 6861 was my very first lego set ever (back in the day). I lost the (...) (22 years ago, 24-Mar-03, to

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