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Gla Gla's Lego König Monster (looking for pictures)
Mon, 7 Jan 2008 20:50:40 GMT
13309 times

   I'm new here so I hope I'm posting this in the correct location.  Back in
2004 Gla Gla posted pictures of his Lego König Monster on Brick Shelf.  Sometime
in 2005 he closed his account.  I've been able to locate most of his pictures in
the Internet Archive.


Front views

Rear views


You can see that the 2.gerwalk.jpg image wasn't saved in the archive.  Also the
picture saved for 1.vb6_trns2.jpg was saved in 2003 when he had a much smaller
version posted.  The image that would have relaced this image in 2004 wasn't
saved either.  I'm assuming it was replaced which I'm not 100% sure of.  However
I am 100% sure I'm missing the 2.gerwalk.jpg picture.  A smaller version of it
is seen in the lower left of this image.


By chance would anyone here have saved these images back while they were up on
brickshelf?  Does Brickshelf maintain their own archive?  If so is there anyone
I could email there for assistance in tracking down these two images?  Any help
locating these missing images would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Gla Gla's Lego König Monster (looking for pictures)
(...) The (URL) Mecha Hub Gallery> has some images of this... Sorry that it's not exactly what you were looking for. "Big Daddy" Nelson (16 years ago, 8-Jan-08, to, FTX)

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