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Re: Looking Gla Gla pics and Brickshelf Names.
Fri, 7 Apr 2006 02:05:40 GMT
2562 times
In, Bryce McGlone wrote:
   Did anyone happen to save all of Gla Gla’s folder before he took it off of Brickshelf? If so please let me know. Thanks.

Also I have my normal list of Brickshelf & MOC Pages names that I’d love to have real names and/or email addresses.

BRICKSHELF NAMES: cirrus cosmicafterburn cypher 2 izzo kashiwa legobomba madbrix666 mino misterhook mudmud3000 nori oki poizunn-05 pukai reny seniorgronk sugegasa tiao yellow13

MOC Pages: Tos X DSHR

As always you can reach me at

Thanks, Bryce

If you’ve still had no luck with this, you may try the internet archive cache of his folder:

I was just looking through this the other day. It’s not all there, but a lot of it loads. Hope that helps!

PS: That’s a great list of builders you have there. Good resource.

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  Looking Gla Gla pics and Brickshelf Names.
Did anyone happen to save all of Gla Gla's folder before he took it off of Brickshelf? If so please let me know. Thanks. Also I have my normal list of Brickshelf & MOC Pages names that I'd love to have real names and/or email addresses. BRICKSHELF (...) (18 years ago, 5-Apr-06, to

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