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 Building / Mecha / 13766
13765  |  13767
Re: Welcome to the Building Arena, IRON MECHA
Wed, 4 Jan 2006 17:27:50 GMT
6434 times
Hello, it’s me again.

Here are some pictures of my progress and the upper body.


Here is the gallery after moderation.

I already ran into weight problems. The ball joints in the lower body don’t
support the weight anymore. I’ll replace them with gears. This means a
complete rebuild of the lower body. Hopefully it’ll fit the original shape
a bit more afterwards.

The upper body is still in a conceptional state. Maybe it’ll look very
different next time.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Welcome to the Building Arena, IRON MECHA
Last night I had a dream... Not what you might think, it was of a small robot. So this morning I gave it a good hour. And this is the result so far: (2 URLs) deep link> (2 URLs) deep link> (2 URLs) deep link> So now I'm thinking what to do. Should I (...) (18 years ago, 6-Jan-06, to, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Welcome to the Building Arena, IRON MECHA
Hi all together. Due to brick and time amount I decided to go for a medium mecha. As I never tried a quadruped before, I've done some research on the legs. Here are some pictures of several approaches for the leg concept. At the moment all for legs (...) (18 years ago, 1-Jan-06, to, FTX)

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