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 Building / Mecha / 13764
13763  |  13765
Re: Welcome to the Building Arena, IRON MECHA
Wed, 4 Jan 2006 12:58:55 GMT
6175 times
In, Brian Cooper wrote:
   I made a lot of progress today and came up with some interesting ideas, so here are some spy photos:

deep link 1 deep link 2 deep link 3 deep link 4 deep link 5

The ideas:

Exoforce stickers - I don’t think anyone has tried to use these on a serious mecha model before, and they are actually quite cool, if you pick the right ones. They do wonders for the canopy with battle scars, an ID number and an “Eject” label. I use them in other places too. “Sharp Edges” is going to be a classic.

Exoforce joints in disguise - I knew I couldn’t use these in the legs, but I put them in to mock them up. Nowhere near beefy enough. The real interesting idea was to cover them up with a hose connected in a loop with a pin. Red is the wrong color, but if I had grey hoses, I think it would look cool. I need to order some from Bricklink...

Hinge plate faceted chest armor - I developed this technique for another larger model, then shrank it down. It’s a complex shape, yet it’s so easy to construct this way.


Upper body is done, though the cockpit needs some nice controls and a corinthian leather seat. The gun and missile pod are done. The gun and pod elevate with a worm gear control. The gun traverses with a rotating click hinge. The upper body swivels on the base with a technic turntable for a sturdy connection, no gear control though. The lower chassis has the right form factor, it just needs joints that can support the weight. (Tip: this is why you shouldn’t build the legs first. They are never strong enough once you pile on the body details.)

You won’t believe me, but these progress pictures are actually quite bogus. Heh, heh. No, really. Ok, don’t believe me. :-)


Hi Brian,

no matter if this is bogus or not, it looks really cool. And it makes me think
about telling what I have up to now is bogus or the other thing starting
with bull.

You’re absolutely wright with the legs problem. I started there, just to get a
feeling for the quadraped. Now I’ve to rebuild the hips for the second time
due to weight problems.

So I’ll try to finish the upper body know, and then go for the legs to support


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Welcome to the Building Arena, IRON MECHA
I made a lot of progress today and came up with some interesting ideas, so here are some spy photos: (URL) deep link 1> (URL) deep link 2> (URL) deep link 3> (URL) deep link 4> (URL) deep link 5> The ideas: Exoforce stickers - I don't think anyone (...) (18 years ago, 4-Jan-06, to, FTX)

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