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Re: Two New MOCs and Diorama
Sun, 7 Mar 2004 02:48:01 GMT
825 times
In, Joel McAdams wrote:
   Hey everyone, I’m back with two new MOCs and a diorama featuring them.


These little bots are cool. I’ve been working on some bot-type bodies so I can stick minifig heads/helmets on them so they look like power-armor soldiers. You’ve given me some good ideas!

My Legos, like yours, fear the wrath of my cat. I’ve built a dropship large enough to haul my mechs, and my cat once crawled inside it. The damage was serious, but not fatal.

Message is in Reply To:
  Two New MOCs and Diorama
Hey everyone, I'm back with two new MOCs and a diorama featuring them. First off are the mechs. I posted them in the same folder, since they're built with the same idea in mind and there aren't a lot of pics of them... so here they are, Gruntbots (...) (20 years ago, 10-Feb-04, to, FTX)

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