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 Building / Architecture / 1122
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Re: New Chateau MOC
Mon, 17 Dec 2001 03:05:47 GMT
882 times
"Jason Spears" <> wrote in message
Well I have two things to say about this model Brad.

First, as always a beautiful model.  The front porch is neat.  And I am • looking
forward to checking out the dat file to see how you did the window above • the
front door.

The window above the front door is done by using 4 1x3x2 half arches.  The
bottom two arches are flipped upside down.  They are held in place by a set
of plates and tiles on the very bottom of the assembly.  I was a bit too
lazy to include all the necessary engineering details in this model.  I
think you would need at least another plate hooked "upside down" with a tile
on top, and then a brick behind it to hold it against the back of the wall.
If you are really interested, I can try to make you simple LDRAW file
showing the technique.  I'm sure it can be done because I've done it with
real LEGO.  See the central window in my Bricktopia library:

Second,  WooHoo!  I am pretty sure I won't be recieving flak for my color
choices again.  Wow, those are guady.  I imagine you were trying to match • the
real-life colors as close as possible, but goodness gracious.
The colors are as close as possible to the original.  However, the "real"
colors are, as usual, a lot more faded than can be represented with LEGO
colors.  I thought about "washing out" the colors a bit (possibly by messing
with the file I supplied to correct some of the other colors
to be more correctly LEGO-like), but this would have made it completely
non-LEGO.  Note:  I used the more unusual Belville and Scala colors because
they were as close as I could find.  I re-tried this with the standard red
and it looked awful.  I retried using standard blue though and it actually
does look a bit better.

Maybe I should go back to my famous "all white" buildings of the past?

Again, neat model, and those trees are pretty spiffy too.
Thanks.  The trees are extremely simple and repetitive.  In fact, they are
partitioned into separate files.  You can easily reuse them on your own
models if you want.  Essentially, I created a "branch" using a brown arch
with a few leaf pieces attached.  Then, I combined for "branches" stacked on
top of each other, with each one facing one of the 4 directions.  Then, I
just stacked these modules to get the desired height.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: New Chateau MOC
(...) <snip> (...) Well I have two things to say about this model Brad. First, as always a beautiful model. The front porch is neat. And I am looking forward to checking out the dat file to see how you did the window above the front door. Second, (...) (23 years ago, 17-Dec-01, to

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