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Mecha Schleim
Sun, 11 Mar 2007 12:59:05 GMT
27406 times
Hi everyone,

Remember, two years ago, I presented with my SNIR window an unusual use of the 4006 minifig spanner

I started this Saturday to study this part, and I came to these different ways of use :

Then I discovered the spanner is the perfect part to make Stud In SNOT 180. Indeed, the thickness of this part is nearly 8 LDU, so we can fixe two studs to this part, one close to the other. Of course, it works better with hollow studs. Try with four 4006 spanners, or better with four 6246D, and two 2x2 bricks, you will see that is strong. This technic is finer than the use of the clickit (Clikiiiits!) part .

So I looked for other parts with a diameter of one stud (4 LDU) and found the antenna , the Space (Space!) Stand 2x2x2 and, but obviously an illegal move, the 378 animal tail.

Complete gallery

Now, mecha guys are wondering why I talk about that here :) It’s because the spanner makes a good articulation, and I built this little mecha (yeah ! my first mecha !) using different arrangements of the previous techniques. I used 35 spanners for it.

Complete gallery


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Mecha Schleim
(...) Hi Erik, Very interesting. I really like the use of it on the space seat. Another related joint in mecha (which I did not invent) is to take one eye spanner (6246D), two signal paddles (3900) and binoculars (30162) and you get a fairly strong (...) (17 years ago, 11-Mar-07, to,, FTX)

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