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A *really* random vig
Sat, 1 Jul 2006 21:53:17 GMT
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14345 times
I must admit that this is a really weird idea, and I must also admit that not there wasn’t a whole lot of skill involved. Anyways... here is my latest vignette:

Trapped in the Giant Vegetable Garden

Feel free to reply with any thoughts, recommendations to institutions, etc. ;)

The carrots were originally going to be something else, but it didn’t turn out, and I realized that they could work as the tops of giant vegetables... hence the idea in the first place. This was just a quick build, so it’s nothing amazing, but I would like to hear what people think...

Jeffery MacEachern

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: A *really* random vig
(...) Atta - ack of the killer Tomato - oes! Now if the carrots are on our side, we have a chance, 'cause it looks like they outnumber the tomatoes 2 to 1. David (18 years ago, 2-Jul-06, to, FTX)
  Re: A *really* random vig
(...) SNIP Very random, but an interesting idea for a vig! The veggies reminds me of the 'fruit' promotional sets for (URL) Suntory (Japan)>. "Big Daddy" Nelson (18 years ago, 2-Jul-06, to, FTX)

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