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Three buildings (A.K.o.S. )
Sun, 19 Jun 2005 16:39:26 GMT
3558 times
I built two more buildings that adhere to the A.K.o.S standard I announced last week. ( So I have a total of three buildings now.

This one has a variable facade, one is Castle-ish, the other is Town-is. I will have a glass door for the Town facade, I’m not happy with this wooden door. I’m also planning on changing out the DkGray arches with back ones.

For these two new ones I also built some firewalls and combined them with my first A.K.o.S. building. (Both in a straight and a corner arrangement)

I have to get more black slope bricks. For the time being, I substituted some with red ones. I also need some more sand-blue plates and tiles, not to mention that I don’t have any 1x1 bricks in that color.

Akos Kostyan

LEGO Ambassador

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Three buildings (A.K.o.S. )
(...) Cool. More buildings shows the flexibility of the system. I guess my biggest concern with it is that the interior arrangements are visible through the windows. I've been urging my local club members to work on more interior detailing so that (...) (19 years ago, 19-Jun-05, to, FTX)
  Re: Three buildings (A.K.o.S. )
The system aside, these are really nice MOCs.. very detailed for a facade... I like your idea of removable interiors expressed elsewhere in the thread, that will help the standard a lot! Thanks and God Bless, Nathan (19 years ago, 20-Jun-05, to, FTX)

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