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Santa Maria della Salute in Venice
Followup-To:,, lugnet.castle
Tue, 6 Jul 2004 22:52:26 GMT
!! (details)
3345 times
Hi all,

at the 1000steine-Land last weekend in Berlin I was happy to show my latest addition to Venice. The basilica Santa Maria della Salute, a barock “church” was build from 1631 by Baldassare Longhena in gratitude for the end of the plague. (Salute = health)

The real one took more then 50 years to build, my minifig LEGO model took only 3 months and tons of white bricks to build:

The whole building covers 5 x 2.5 baseplates with 32x32 studs. The whole church is build modular, the main portal can be removed to reach the illumination swiches and the portabal CD player which plays of cours Vivaldi’s classical music (The Four Seasons).

The dome, the lower and upper octangonal structure of the main part, the second dome, the rounded part, the rear building and the the two towers with the clocks and bells does complete the whole.

Some inspiration came form websites like this one and some out ouf books about Venice.

I will upload some more pics soon, I hope you enjoy what is allready online?! All pics could be found at my brickshelf gallery.

And don’t miss other pictures of my extended Venice scene form 1000steine-Land.

Regards form Germany,

Holger -HoMa- Matthes

Message has 5 Replies:
  Re: Santa Maria della Salute in Venice
I was just looking over all the pictures on Brickshelf before you posted. This is really some build! Very nice, very detailed intricate construction. The details and just a joy to look at. Even the light bulb holder is Lego. Great work. e (20 years ago, 6-Jul-04, to,, lugnet.castle, FTX)
  Re: Santa Maria della Salute in Venice
(URL) Blow me away. That is beautiful. I remember looking at the real thing in Venice and thinking, "that would be a fun build", but you bring it to life, I love the minimal grey highlights, The dome, everything. I love in this (URL) picture>, you (...) (20 years ago, 7-Jul-04, to,, FTX)
  Re: Santa Maria della Salute in Venice
(...) (3 URLs) (...) Absolutely stunning!! This is a lovely, lovely model. Kudos, well done, bravo! (and highlighted) (grumble, grumble, grumble, lugnet made me trim some of the quotes....) JohnG, GMLTC (20 years ago, 7-Jul-04, to,, lugnet.castle, FTX)
  Re: Santa Maria della Salute in Venice
Holger, I already saw the church in some of the pictures released before your posting, and was very enthousiast about it. You've done so well to pick up the charasteristics of the architecture! Applause and much appreciation!! Very impressive. (...) (20 years ago, 7-Jul-04, to,, lugnet.castle, FTX)
  Re: Santa Maria della Salute in Venice
Incredible! I always admire Lego buildings in (near) mini-fig scale that capture all the details of the Real Thing. It is better than MiniLand, since I can almost imagine getting enough of the right bricks to build one - and have it still fit in my (...) (20 years ago, 10-Jul-04, to,, lugnet.castle, FTX)

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