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Whether an archer or a miner, you need a place to call home
lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.castle,
Tue, 18 Nov 2003 21:57:29 GMT
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5400 times
I built two more houses for my medieval village. These are simple one-story homes. One owner is a carpenter turned miner, the other belongs to an archer. Pick-a-brick was essential to getting the amount of light-yellow and teal required for these houses. (And yes, they have interiors.)

Jason Spears | BrickCentral | MichLUG

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Whether an archer or a miner, you need a place to call home
(...) Jason, These are pretty cool, I liked the patchwork quilt affect in the archers house. Thanks, George (20 years ago, 19-Nov-03, to lugnet.castle, FTX)
  Re: Whether an archer or a miner, you need a place to call home
(...) Thanks for the inspiration! Those are two very nice small houses. I hope to copy them. Keep up the great work. Alan (20 years ago, 19-Nov-03, to lugnet.castle)

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