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Fun goodies for your browser's toolbar
lugnet.announce, lugnet.general
Tue, 14 Mar 2000 04:52:58 GMT
3984 times
If your web browser has a "personal toolbar" (sometimes also called a "links
bar") and supports JavaScript, here are some goodies you can add as browser
hot-buttons to make your life easier.

Installation takes about 5 minutes -- and once it's installed, it'll save you
tons of time and hassle.  Here's how to make it go:

First, make sure your personal toolbar is activated (showing).  If it's hidden,
try looking for the option to make it visible in your browser's "View" menu.

Next, open up you browser's "Edit Bookmarks" window (Ctrl-B or Command-B in
Netscape).  This might be called "Favorites" or "Links" in non-Netscape

Now, from the File menu, select "New Bookmark..."

And from here, it's easy -- just cut & paste the Name and Location of each
bookmark (shown below in pairs), then click OK, and then repeat for the next

(Make sure that you copy the WHOLE javascript line -- each is a very long
line, more than 200 characters.  If you can't cut & paste the whole line at
once, you can still cut & paste it in pieces, as long as you cram it all
together onto one line when you paste it back together.  :)

When you've got them all added, simply drag them to your "Personal Toolbar
Folder" and they'll magically appear as named buttons at the top of your
browser!  Now, from anywhere, you can instantly summon up searches, even if
some page you're viewing has no search box.  (You'll see how cool it is once
you get it working.  :)

LUGNET News Search
javascript:q=document.getSelection();if(!q)void(q=prompt("LUGNET News Search",""));if(q){u="";for(i=0;i<q.length;i++){c=q.charAt(i);u+=(c=="+")?"%2B":(c==" ")?"+":escape(c)}location.href=u}

Set Search
javascript:q=document.getSelection();if(!q)void(q=prompt("LUGNET Set Search",""));if(q){u="";for(i=0;i<q.length;i++){c=q.charAt(i);u+=(c=="+")?"%2B":(c==" ")?"+":escape(c)}location.href=u}

QuickSet Search
javascript:q=document.getSelection();if(!q)void(q=prompt("LUGNET QuickSet Search",""));if(q){u="";for(i=0;i<q.length;i++){c=q.charAt(i);u+=(c=="+")?"%2B":(c==" ")?"+":escape(c)}location.href=u}

Part Search
javascript:q=document.getSelection();if(!q)void(q=prompt("LUGNET Partsref Search",""));if(q){u="";for(i=0;i<q.length;i++){c=q.charAt(i);u+=(c=="+")?"%2B":(c==" ")?"+":escape(c)}location.href=u}


The first bookmark is just a shortcut to the main LUGNET news search facility,
just like the box at the top of the main LUGNET homepage:

The second bookmark invokes searches within the LUGNET/Pause database:

The third bookmark invokes a search using LUGNET's QuickSet utility:

And the fourth bookmark (for LDraw fans!) invokes searches within Steve Bliss's
Partsref resource:

Have fun!!!!!


Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: Fun goodies for your browser's toolbar
(FUT .admin.general) Narf! This would be so cool if it worked... but it doesn't, not on MSIE. Reason: (...) This is totally non-doable in MSIE. In the 'favorites' menu there are only two options: a. Add to favorites b. Organiize favorites (a) (...) (25 years ago, 14-Mar-00, to lugnet.general, lugnet.admin.general)
  Re: Fun goodies for your browser's toolbar
(...) -- (...) Search",""));if(q){u="(URL) Todd this is great stuff. However, when I clicked on the link, set search came up with: "")?"+":escape(c)}lo...n.href=u}" (the last few lines of javascript) in the search field. Once I erased that it worked (...) (25 years ago, 14-Mar-00, to lugnet.general)
  Re: Fun goodies for your browser's toolbar
(...) Sigh. The latest version of Netscrape for the Mac does not appear to have this, unless its well hidden. J (25 years ago, 17-Mar-00, to lugnet.general)

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