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Shared LEGO Calendars on BrickBuildr
Mon, 29 Sep 2008 21:36:26 GMT
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20207 times
So a little background on this feature... Joe Meno and I were talking the other night about the idea of ‘shared’ calendars. I was explaining to him about my ‘Central Florida Tech’ calendar, that I had invited a person or two to add events to it & before I knew it, there were 10-15 people that were adding events to the calendar -- it grew beyond my expectations & took on a new life of it’s own. It was being used on different web-sites & it was a great way about getting the word out there about your tech group.

Joe was talking that his BrickJournal LEGO calendar was getting hard to maintain with all his editorial jobs and would like to see it replaced with something like a community shared LEGO calendar. So last night we came up with 5 different types of LEGO calendars:
  • LEGO Club Events
  • LEGO Conventions
  • LEGO Contests
  • LEGO Displays
  • LEGO Mindstorms & FLL Events
I had a shared my LEGO calendar that I maintained for myself & GFLUG/GFLTC with Joe, Joe merged all of his events into it, the calendar then got renamed, and then we started moving events into their perspective calendar (we still have more work to do, but it’s looking better).

Here’s the shared Google LEGO calendar integrated into BrickBuildr screenshot:

So the idea here is, if you maintain a web-site, or are a part of a LEGO group that would like to get the word out about your club events, or would like to contribute to the shared calendar, send me a e-mail or Flickr mail me & I’ll send you an invite, so you can start adding events.

Disclaimer: These events are public for everyone to view and subscribe to. No personal resident addresses or phone numbers unless you want everyone to know about it. The information put into each event should be to attract people to your display, show, meeting or activity.


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