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Turnpike, Train MOC
lugnet.announce, lugnet.technic
Sun, 8 Jul 2007 21:59:43 GMT
! (details)
25944 times
Hey everyone,

So here is the latest MOC.

With a second link for a more detailed photo's:

This set up is very common in Western to Central Canada as it is the quickest
and most cost effective way to get product from the west to the central
Prairies.Bison Transport is one of the Canadian companies that utilizes this
set up allot. It consist of two 53foot vans hooked together with a converter
and is pulled by a day cab tractor.

Those of you who attended Brickfest2007 in Portland will recognize this.

Some spec's for this MOC:

1.From front of tractor to back of second trailer= 5.5feet
2.Motorized dolly legs.
3.Tilting fifth wheel on the converter as well as the tractor.
4.Sliding boogies(trailer axles) for different weight distribution.
5.Tractor steering(behind roof)
6.Front drive axle has working drive axle.When the front drive axle rotates,
  drive shaft turns
7.Trailer doors open/close
8.Air ride suspension(use sponges for that,works well).. come on lego! us
  truck builders want lego air bags pleasssssssssssssssse!! plus, and this, and
that.. and oh! one of them!!!!!!!haha.

Actually, the technic /pneumatic community would( I'm thinking) REALLY like to
see a 3-4 stage pneumatic cylinder, like you see on gravel trucks for the
hoist... THAT'S on my wish list..

Anyways, enjoy the MOC!
Glen Bell(Legoman)

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Turnpike, Train MOC
(...) Hi Glen, that's a really nice MOC. The tractor looks great, and I like all the mechanics. And as for pneumatics, I'd really like a cylinder that has attachment points at the front (where the rod comes out) as well as the back. BTW, in (...) (18 years ago, 8-Jul-07, to lugnet.technic)
  Re: Turnpike, Train MOC
(...) It looks great Glen! Sponges with Legos.....never seen that done before- good idea! A telescoping piston would be good to see too, but it may not be possible for TLC to make...Do pneumatic telescoping pistons even exist? Will this be at NW (...) (18 years ago, 10-Jul-07, to lugnet.technic)

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