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Behold! Bricksmith 1.1!
lugnet.announce, lugnet.cad,
Thu, 29 Sep 2005 01:39:16 GMT
! (details)
8028 times
I’ve been coding away since last month when I unveiled Bricksmith, my new Macintosh LDraw editor. And it’s time for an upgrade.

Bricksmith 1.1 adds the following features:
  • Shading!
  • Fast-draw mode while rotating
  • Piece Count utility
  • Dimensions utility
  • Zoom controls in the Part Browser
  • A simple way to add submodel references
  • “Customize Toolbar” menu item
A bug whereby the canvas size would be too small when large models were opened was also fixed.

Despite the speed penality of adding of shading to the model renderer, Bricksmith 1.1’s full drawing time should be on par with that of version 1.0. Rotating large models should feel considerably faster, because Bricksmith automatically switches to bounding-box-only mode when overall drawing time exceeds four-tenths of a second.

The new Dimensions utility reports in units of studs, inches, centimeters, and Legonian Feet, a scale unit I use in my own Lego world. In this scale, one stud is just over 1 foot 1 inch long, which makes the standard bald minifigure about 5 feet 8 inches tall. I have also included for your convenience a printable ruler graduated in Legonian Feet, which allows you to make measurements all the way down to the scale inch. Measurement is a hobby of mine, and I’ve been using this scale for years, so I hope others find it fun!

The Piece Count utility recurses into MPD submodels without counting the model reference itself. In other words, the piece count it reports is what you need to build the entire model.

This update nullifies several major annoyances I had with my program. I hope others find the same.

Bricksmith requires Mac OS X 10.3 or later, and may be download it at

Allen Smith

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: Behold! Bricksmith 1.1!
(...) This is great, Allen! Thanks for all of your hard work contributing on behalf of us Mac fans:-) One question: do I need to dump my current version, or will the upgrade mount over it? TIA, JOHN (19 years ago, 29-Sep-05, to, FTX)
  Re: Behold! Bricksmith 1.1!
(...) Hello Allen, my own developper experience is my initial excitment vanishes when a first version is complete. may be because i have no users or because i turn up at maintenance, i don't know. it's really much work with application to mature an (...) (19 years ago, 29-Sep-05, to, FTX)
  Re: Behold! Bricksmith 1.1!
(...) Now I have a reason to upgrade to 10.3! This is an awesome accomplishment. Thanks! Rick C. (19 years ago, 30-Sep-05, to, FTX)

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