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Exploring the Universe Display at the National Air and Space Museum, April 16th
Tue, 19 Apr 2005 13:31:40 GMT
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Hi all,

WAMALUG and NCLUG were asked to display at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC for Universe Day, which fell on Saturday April 16th.

Members from both WAMALUG and NCLUG brought in Moonbase modules,





but most of all, people

Many thanks to the staff of the National Air and Space Museum, most notably Mychelene Giampaoli and David DeVorkin. They provided us with the support needed to make the event happen, and also some fun stuff!

Also thanks to the members of both WAMALUG and NCLUG who participated:

Jeff Stembel
Margaret Keys
Tony Perez
Dan Rubin
Gareth Bowler
Michael Harrod
Derek Schin
Philip Moyer
Rich Schamus
Linda Mateo
Fradel Gonzales
Rafe Donohue (and family)
Magnus Lauglo
Galen Fairbanks
Todd Thuma
and Sabrina Gravatt

Thanks also to Kunie DeVorkin, who built this wonderful model of the Museum, but could not attend because of illness:

There were models built by others who could not attend:

Mike Walsh
Geoff Gray
Adrian Drake

There were also models provided by Shane Larson and Felix Greco, but because of an incident that happened that I will explain, did not get displayed. My apologies to them.

I need to extend the most thanks to Christina Hitchcock. I was involved in a car accident (I was rear-ended 3 blocks away by a fellow club member) and to compound things, I locked myself out of my car with the motor running! So I was stuck at the site until a locksmith came, which was 2.5 hours later!!

Christina stepped in and took care of the organizing and made things work, and while I got things running before the event, she actually took care of the event.

If you want to see pictures of the display, you can go

here or here or here or even here

This was a great event, and I’m already hearing that there is interest in another display, so thanks to everyone!

Joe Meno
Event Coordinator, Exploring the Universe Day
NCLUG Administrator
and of course, .space paparazzi!

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Exploring the Universe Display at the National Air and Space Museum, April 16th
some additional information: A model of the X-1 plane was provided by Aaron Sneary. Also, I forgot to post both my name and Christina's name in the volunteer list. Joe (19 years ago, 19-Apr-05, to, FTX)
  Re: Exploring the Universe Display at the National Air and Space Museum, April 16th
That is really great! e (19 years ago, 19-Apr-05, to

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