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The L PRIZE Pre-Launch: Call for Volunteers, Sponsors, Donations
lugnet.announce, lugnet.cad,,
Mon, 28 Jun 2004 11:14:27 GMT
! (details)
8080 times
I’d like to proudly introduce the L PRIZE.

The L PRIZE is a new and exciting open competition that will be officially launched at SIGGRAPH 2004 by an independent team led by Tim Courtney. The purpose of the L PRIZE is to reach both the established LDraw community and the broader 3D software developer and user communities, and to draw on this greatly expanded pool of resources to build a unique convergence of interests and abilities that will result in significant advances to LEGO CAD technologies.

The L PRIZE will foster advances in LEGO CAD technologies by stimulating competition and bringing the contestants and the user communities together. Users and developers will be able to converse with contestants, providing them direction, wish lists, and advice that they can apply to their contest entries; thus increasing the overall value and impact of the end result.

Pre-Launch and Launch

The L PRIZE is in the “pre-launch” phase. We are presenting the contest to the core LEGO community to gather support in the form of volunteers, sponsors, and donations. The L PRIZE will launch to the public, complete with a media campaign at or around August 8th, in conjunction with SIGGRAPH 2004 in Los Angeles.

Call for Volunteers

The L PRIZE needs the help of a few dedicated volunteers. We have outlined some key tasks that need to be done on the site here: No long-term commitment is necessary to help out, you may do as much or as little as you like. Please email contribute at lprize dot com if you are interested in helping out.

Call for Sponsors

The L PRIZE depends on the assistance of corporate sponsors for its prize packages and logistical expenses. If you are interested in sponsoring the L PRIZE with your product or service, or if you know someone who may be interested, please contact sponsorships at lprize dot com with details.

Call for Donations

The L PRIZE will need funds to support expenses around the launch in August, and the conclusion of the contest in February 2005. Leading up to each event, the L PRIZE will post a graph showing how much money has been raised towards its goals. If you can’t get involved any other way, but would like to help out, please consider making a cash donation to the L PRIZE. To learn details about making a donation, please contact donations at lprize dot com.

Thank you for your support!

Tim Courtney
Contest Director, L PRIZE

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: The L PRIZE Pre-Launch: Call for Volunteers, Sponsors, Donations
(...) Dumb question, but what is the competition about? Writing new Lego CAD software? Thanks, Gary (20 years ago, 28-Jun-04, to lugnet.cad,,, FTX)
  Re: The L PRIZE Pre-Launch: Call for Volunteers, Sponsors, Donations
I might be going to SIGGRAPH this year. Are you going to be exhibiting at SIGGRAPH or presenting or what? I want to be able to find you there. :) (20 years ago, 30-Jun-04, to lugnet.cad,,
  Re: The L PRIZE Pre-Launch: Call for Volunteers, Sponsors, Donations
My curiosity has gotten the best of me. What did you use to render the various header images? (I have my suspicions, but they're not quite hi-res enough for me to be sure.) --Travis Cobbs (20 years ago, 19-Jul-04, to lugnet.cad,,, FTX)

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