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New film from carnage films
Thu, 31 May 2001 04:56:39 GMT
3012 times
Its been awhile sence I have been here. but I have come back with something new.

Hand of fate
Run time: 1:03 min

This is a preview of a series I am thinking of doing.


Message has 5 Replies:
  Re: New film from carnage films
(...) Dude, that ROCKS! I dig that mecha with the gatling blaster. W00T! (Xpost to .build.mecha because of cool mecha action) ~Grand Admiral Muffin Head (23 years ago, 31-May-01, to lugnet.animation,,
  Re: New film from carnage films
(...) new. (...) VERY COOL! You get major props for animating mechs; it's something I've thought about doing in the distant future. Can't wait for the series! Christopher (23 years ago, 31-May-01, to lugnet.animation,
  Re: New film from carnage films
Hey Robert, Nice movie! I'm not into mecha, but I enjoyed what you did! The special effects were really nicely done. I think the possibilities with this are great! I just wanted to mention something that is "nit-picking", but did you realize that (...) (23 years ago, 31-May-01, to lugnet.animation,
  Re: New film from carnage films
that abso-smegging-lutely ROCKS!!! I love Everything about it. animated mecha fighting is always cool in my book. I'm curious what you used to create the SFX (beams and such). is it just going through frame-by-frame with photoshop? I can't wait to (...) (23 years ago, 31-May-01, to lugnet.animation,
  Re: New film from carnage films
(...) Very very cool!! I love when the mech teleports and when the main character is firing his blaster. Nice scenes. Can't wait to see more, Todd Trotter (23 years ago, 31-May-01, to lugnet.animation,

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