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 Adventurers / Steampunk

Here is the new LUGNET repository of LEGO SteamPunk MOCs/links, etc.

What exactly is SteamPunk?

Steampunk refers to the science-fictional, man-made technological creations that pre-date their real-life counterparts. There are several variations of the Steampunk theme, which corrolate to specific eras in time. These include, in no particular order: Victorian/Imperialist; Western; Medieval; Renaissance (Sailpunk); and Fantasy (present/future/space).

Why this page?

LUGNET does not have a dedicated newsgroup for SteamPunk MOCs, and most of the new MOC postings relate to time periods in the past, thus making .adventurers the most appropriate newsgroup for such a venue. Of course, fantasy SteamPunk MOCs (e.g. Space) are welcome as well.

SteamPunk References:

The following links are not LEGO-related, but will give you some ideas for SteamPunk MOCs:

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