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Re: Would a general/pilot in WW1............
Tue, 24 Oct 2000 17:37:15 GMT
1643 times
  The issue of uniforms at all for WWI pilots is also thorny;
  it took a little while for real uniform standards to be created.
  As many air auxiliaries were simply extensions of the armies
  below at first (even the naval squadrons--a real mess, to be
  sure), they often looked much the same, except with less
  mud, more black soot, and a significantly longer service life.

Nope.  The average pilots service life was _less_ than the average grunt.  2nd
Lt (ground) had lowest life expectancy, I believe around 17 DAYS.  But, pilots
often died in the first 5 MIN of combat.  The good pilots lasted much
longer...but, they would separate the wheat from the chaff very fast.

(its just that pilots were not likely to see as much combat as a ground
pounder...moral of the story, go navy, because you stood a far better chance
of surviving!)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Would a general/pilot in WW1.........
(...) I was actually including the non-combat service life with it, so in fact you may be agreeing with me here. ;) It also does shift from year to year, month to month, as aerial combat is refined and made more lethal and exhaustion sets in on the (...) (24 years ago, 24-Oct-00, to lugnet.adventurers)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Would a general/pilot in WW1.........
(...) Well, I'm going to answer here, because others might like to know the answer too! The short answer is yes and no. Yeah, not helpful, but it's true. The shoulder-thingies (called epaulettes or "shoulderboards") were never used by flight crews. (...) (24 years ago, 24-Oct-00, to lugnet.adventurers)

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