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Re: Murfle?
Thu, 30 Mar 2006 22:24:58 GMT
! (details)
4815 times
For the record:

There is no point in being concerned that something new is being imposed. That
post was first murfled a long time ago. I know that to be the case, because I
did it.

It may have been unmurfled/murfled a few times since, or not, I have no way of
knowing, but if it wasn't, it's been that way for close to a year, since before
most of the admins resigned in frustration at the inability to get the ownership
to commmit to any particular course of action or to even say what it is they
wanted. It's not a new thing that it is in that particular state. I'm a bit
surprised no one noticed till now.

If the community consensus is to unmurfle it (which, frankly, strikes me as a
dumb idea, but whatever) you'll have to get someone else to do it for you, as I
gave up the buttons long ago and have no desire to get them back.  I suspect,
(c.f. Rich Manza's comments) there is not anyone else that wants to try a turn
in the barrel, given how thankless/hopeless of a job it is.

However since murfling is NOT censorship, and the material is still there, who
cares whether any particular post is or isn't murfled?  Nothing is lost. If the
people that run things here had wanted to, they could easily have given the
button to lots of people (it toggles things, it's not a one way transition) and
the stuff that wasn't clearly one way or the other could be wheel-warred over
till it came to rest.

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