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Re: Opinions wanted: article rating harmful? (was: New feature: Article rating)
Thu, 20 Apr 2000 18:49:38 GMT
2063 times
In lugnet.admin.general, Todd Lehman writes:

<bulk snip>

Specific personal questions:

1.  How would you feel (better or worse) if the numeric values of the ratings
were not displayed to you unless you specifically requested (via some simple
setting) that they be displayed to you?

Indifferent.  I've been following along, and have a pretty good idea of what
the issues are, but it just doesn't matter much to me.  I don't put much stock
in the numbers to date, since so few people are rating messages.  If the
system becomes more wide spread, I'd definately like the option of seeing the
numbers, because they will be more indicative of community opinion.

2.  How would you feel (better or worse) if the numeric values of the ratings
were not displayed ever to anyone but collected and used by the server only
for internal calculations, hotlist generation, and personal recommendations
to you?

So long as I can (when the system becomes more widespread) use the ratings as
intended, I don't care if I see the numbers.  However, it seems likely to me
that seeing the numbers (or having the option) makes it easier to use them.

3.  How would you feel (better or worse) if the ratings were not even
collected and collated in the first place?  (i.e. the destruction of the
feature altogether)

:/  One step forward, two steps back.  I think the ratings is a good idea, and
will become even more of a good idea as Lugnet grows.  The current
implementation is generating some ill-will, but I don't think that the
"damage" to the community outweighs the potential use of ratings.  I am also
of the opinion that much of the "damage" to the community is from a mis-
understanding of what the ratings indicate.

4.  Have you ever felt victimized by the rating system?  Have you posted
something which has obtained a low rating and felt uncomfortable or unhappy
about yourself or about LUGNET because of the low rating?  How often?

Not victimized, per se.  I have felt irritated, though.  A specific example:
When I posted a message about my current MOC, with description and pictures,
some anonymous individual rated it "0".  It didn't bother me that someone
thought my message wasn't worth the electrons it's printed on, it bothered me
that I had/have no way of finding out *why*.  To put it another way - I try to
contribute positively to the community here, and someone out there thinks I
didn't - I'd like to know what they think needs fixing.

5.  Have you ever felt victimized indirectly by seeing someone else's post
get a high rating?  How often?

Nope, not even remotely. (And I have a hard time understanding why anyone

6.  Do you feel that the article rating system makes it easier for you or
harder for you to share your ideas?  And does this bother you?

It would be nice if there was the option for people to explain their rating.
Even just a 20 character text box would go light years to making it better.
It turns "80" and "20" into "80 - cool mech, dude!" and "20 - link doesn't

But more relevantly- no, it doesn't affect my posting habits one iota.

7.  How does your initial reaction to the announcement of the article rating
system compare to your current opinion of it?

It's currently less useful than my initial expectations.  I don't think enough
people are rating messages to give a meaningful sample.  A combination of
members not signing in, apathy, and non-ease of use.

8.  Do you feel that it is too early, too late, or the right time to address
these issues?

No time like the present.  I don't think addressing it earlier would have
allowed enough time for people to react to the system.

9.  What other areas (besides news articles) can you imagine that a
collaborative ratings system would be most helpful to you?  LEGO sets?
Websites?  Individual web pages?  etc...

Oh cool... If the ratings system was linked into the Pause database, that
would be sweet!  I also think it could be useful for CLSotW, but that may be


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Message is in Reply To:
  Opinions wanted: article rating harmful? (was: New feature: Article rating)
All, It seems at this point that the article rating feature -- intended to help -- is actually causing more harm than good to the community. It's difficult to gauge how much harm is being done when opinions are so varied, but it's clear that (...) (24 years ago, 20-Apr-00, to lugnet.admin.general, lugnet.general, lugnet.announce) !! 

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