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 Administrative / General / 13043
13042  |  13044
good afternoon!
Fri, 15 Jul 2005 18:53:38 GMT
2405 times
I woke up late today. Just reading through these posts now. sorry.

I'm going to ask that people not speak for me, as in: "I think what Suz is
saying is.." because if you're not accurate, I'll want to write a response to
correct you. And there will be those who's perceptions have been inaccurately
altered, and posted in response to those, etc.

Please be patient. be civil.[1] and let me do my thing.

As I've said at the blog, any true announcements will be made here at LUGNET.
So, please do not confuse my conversations with announcements. No piece of a
blog entry should be pulled out, given a title and posted at LUGNET with an
implication that an announcement has gone unnoticed by LUGNET users. This
includes things like sarcastic false comments cross-posted throughout the
newsgroups. You may think you're doing other users a favor by increasing
awareness, but you may actually be introducing chaos that makes things
unnecessarily difficult.

It may seem like I'm moving very slowly, but I'm spending all day, each day in
correspondence with people about LUGNET. I've been hesitant to post a big flat
statement about "how it is" because I'm apt to quickly want to edit it (with so
many new bits coming in via my e-mail) but would not be able to. While neither
have I wanted to toss out something open-ended and indecisive. For me to walk
this middle line may be unwise and uncomfortable for people, but it's what I've
done thus far. I think I'm about ready for solidity, so hang tight.

And thanks for all the support, folks. (^^)
It's good to know so many people care and are interested in helping.

[1] read the rules I live by:

Message has 1 Reply:
  About discussing stuff [was: good afternoon!]
LUGNET things are still up in the air. So, I have no real solid situation to state. I'm still gathering info about possibilities and listening to offers. I -would- be posting more bit-by-bit communication here, but my time is seriously limited. I'm (...) (20 years ago, 22-Jul-05, to lugnet.admin.general)

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