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 Administrative / General / 12993
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LUGNET Admin Resignation
Fri, 17 Jun 2005 05:08:33 GMT
2534 times
This note is from Kelly McKiernan, Larry Pieniazek, Lenny Hoffman, Tim
Courtney, and Frank Filz.

There's been a bit of conversation about the reasons behind these members
discontinuing admin duties here at LUGNET. Rather than posting a huge
discussion about it, we would like to present these salient points.

- Lack of progress against the plan of record.
- Lack of crispness in executing administrivia that only Todd or Suz can do
(password resets, processing members, changing meta-admin things and so on).
- Lack of strong public support as we attempted to help guide LUGNET during
times of stress and upheaval.
- Lack of articulation of desired changes in plan/approach/documents,
leading to confusion on the team.
- Incomplete and contradictory goals and methods of administration from the
site owners.

In short, individually and as a group, we no longer felt that our presence as
administrators was adding value to LUGNET or its membership. Each of us
continues to work toward individual and community goals, and we all continue to
believe in the fundamental power of LUGNET. Those of us acting as curators or
working on the sets database intend to continue in those roles. We'll  continue
posting as members and doing what we can to help LUGNET and the LEGO community

We would like to thank Todd and Suzanne for the opportunity to participate
in the LUGNET Transition Team and site administration, and we sincerely wish
the best for LUGNET, its membership, and its future.

Tim Courtney
Frank Filz
Lenny Hoffman
Kelly McKiernan
Larry Pieniazek

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: LUGNET Admin Resignation
(...) I would like to personally add my name to this. I respect what Suz and Todd have done very much. I love Lugnet, and I hope that it continues to be an important LEGO site. If anyone would like to contact me personally to talk more about why I (...) (19 years ago, 19-Jun-05, to lugnet.admin.general)
  Re: LUGNET Admin Resignation
Kelly, I'm disappointed you resigned. However, I'm also rather disappointed [you] posted this rather divisive message... it smacks of attention seeking to me. I would have thought you and Frank were above this sort of thing. To be perfectly honest, (...) (19 years ago, 20-Jun-05, to lugnet.admin.general) ! 

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