Re: Plan of action
Sun, 6 Mar 2005 06:06:32 GMT
404 times
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In lugnet.admin.general, Chris Magno wrote:
> Based on some excellent statements from many good, respected people, Do
> you have a "plan of action" for Lugnet, or can we expect to see more of
> the same???
We are actively working on greatly clarifying processes from the top down. I've
spent most of the last 12 hours working on this, and will likely spend most of
tomorrow on it as well. This should greatly reduce the confusion experienced by
many over the last several days, by setting expectations all around.
I don't have an exact time of when it will be ready to post, since discussions
need to happen within the administrative staff; but it's a matter of several
days to a couple of weeks at most, I believe.
- Kelly McKiernan
LUGNET Administrator
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 | | Plan of action
| Lar, Len, Todd, et al, (I hate just typing admins) It would appear that my suspension has been lifted with "time served." I want to thank everyone for standing up for what they feel is right. Lar, Todd, !!!!ANY OTHER ADMIN!!!! Based on some (...) (20 years ago, 6-Mar-05, to lugnet.admin.general)
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