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Skip-filter settings
Mon, 20 Sep 2004 00:07:23 GMT
957 times
Newsgroup Skip-Filter Settings

This is a brief primer on newsgroup skip-filter settings, for those who read LUGNET newsgroups using the web interface.

By default, the top-level newsgroup article listings give a comprehensive view of all messages in the system, except for those appearing in “off-topic” (non-LEGO related) groups such as the tree of groups and the lugnet.admin tree of groups. If you want to see more or less, you can adjust this filter setting to suit your individual needs using this form.

There you will find a box listing which groups to exclude at the top level. A minus sign (-) at the beginning of a name means to exclude groups matching that name, and a plus sign (+) at the beginning of a name means to include groups matching that name. An empty list of names means to include everything. Some examples: -.admin.
Show me everything except and lugnet.admin messages. (This is the system default.) -.people. +.people.newbie
Show me everything except and lugnet.people messages, but do show me lugnet.people.newbie messages.
Show me everything except the subtree, but do show me messages.
-.starwars -.publish -.loc.
Show me everything except the lugnet.starwars, lugnet.publish, and lugnet.loc subtrees of messages. But do show me all the (United States) messages, except for the (California) messages. But do show me all the (San Francisco) messages.
Show me everything. Note: option this will be automatically optimized into an empty filter (no filter) since the filter contains no groups to exclude.

Changing this setting will cause a cookie to be sent to your browser, so that it can remember your setting.

Please Note

This filter is based on message location, not message content. This is simply a crude high-level filter which skips over messages contained in certain groups (which you specify).

No promises or guarantees are made about the filter’s suitabity or accuracy. Be aware that this filter cannot possibly hide all objectionable content from your eyes.


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