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LUGNET Welcomes Donations

Since the early days of LUGNET’s inception in 1996, LUGNET co-founders Todd Lehman and Suzanne Rich have together contribued tens of thousands of dollars (of time and money) in organizing, designing, and developing LUGNET and helping it take its first steps into the world.

All of the information and most of the services currently hosted at LUGNET are offered for free, meaning that they generate no income. Paid lifetime memberships generate some amount of income, but not yet enough to sustain LUGNET on its own -- not enough to support a paid full-time employment position for an administrator. At some point, as outlined in the LUGNET Plan, LUGNET may become self-sustaining, but until then, it is kept online by other means.

How Can I Help?

LUGNET is grateful for the generous gifts of its donors, which help it to thrive, grow, and offer new and exciting information and services. If you would like to make a financial contribution, all donations are welcomed and appreciated.

Where Will My Money Go?

Your money will help lessen the financial burden on Todd & Suzanne, who have co-funded LUGNET’s research and development through personal savings, part-time contract work, and sales of LEGO elements via auctions. Your money therefore translates directly into time that Todd & Suz can spend working to make LUGNET better.

How Will My Gift Be Recognized?

Unless you would prefer to remain anonymous, your name and the amount of your donation will appear in a list a web page. Your main source of satisfaction, of course, will be in knowing that you have supported an important cause and helped advance the tools and communications venues available to the growing community of LEGO® enthusiasts online.

Where Do I Send Money?

If you are able to send money using PayPal, here is the account name to send money to:
And here is a direct link to a donations page:

PayPal is fast, free, and secure

Is My Donation Tax-Deductable?

LUGNET is privately owned and is not recognized as a non-profit or charitable organization. Donations to LUGNET are therefore not tax-deductable.

Also, if your donation is significantly large ($10K or more), you may be subject to federal or state gift tax. (The preceding is not legal advice; please check your local and federal tax laws and/or consult a qualified attorney if you have questions.)
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